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The Reluctant Empress Page 11
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Page 11
“Now, let’s wash your hair and see what can be done. I think you’re too young to wear wigs.”
After a vigorous shampoo and a heavenly smelling conditioning treatment, Sayeri got down to business. She studied Ninallia. “Your hair is curly—what do you think of cutting it short in the Banoilian style and having curls all over? It won’t take long for the sides to grow long enough to match, and I think it’ll look lovely with the shape of your face.
Ninallia agreed, and soon Sayeri was snipping away at her hair. The result was indeed flattering. Ninallia had seen one of the entertainment stars wearing a similar cut last spring.
Eager to learn how to send and receive messages like a Sister, she asked for a lesson after she finished getting the new hairstyle.
Tegani, who joined them, sat back in a comfortable chair. “First you have to empty your mind.”
“I already know how to do that.”
“All our talents begin with that. You must master it before anything else. Once your mind is clear, focus until you can see the face of the person you want to contact. You must hold your mind empty except for that face and then you think their name and wait until they answer. After that it is much like a conversation, only here and instead of here.” Tegani touched her temple and then her lips. “See if you can reach Lady Sayeri when she is in the garden.”
Sayeri stood and nodded. “Give me a few minutes.”
After a few minutes, Ninallia focused, but it took a few tries before she could hold her mind empty while picturing Sayeri.
Finally, Sayeri answered, “Ninallia? Goodness, child, you have a strong voice. Softly please.”
Ninallia was so excited she immediately lost the connection. Sayeri’s voice had sounded as if she was standing right behind her, speaking softly in her ear.
~ * ~
Houston barely recognized the girl when he greeted them at lunch. Gone was the pale, young boy in loose robes. In his place was a young lady with short, cropped hair and delicate features. Ninallia twirled in the gown, letting the green and gold fabric catch the light.
He bowed formally. “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady Ninallia.”
“I’m not a lady,” she said, laughing.
“I beg your pardon.” Sayeri interrupted their play. “As the mother of the future emperor, you are the first lady of the Empire, and no one outranks you until a new empress is crowned.”
Ninallia ducked her head. Sayeri’s tone held more than a small measure of reproof.
“Knowing your place in the Imperial court structure is the key to success or failure there. You will be the highest-ranking woman there. Don’t forget, and don’t let others forget it either.”
Ninallia straightened in her seat and met Sayeri’s eyes. She lifted her chin and gave a small bow. From what he’d seen, this approximated a video of the late empress greeting dignitaries.
“Much better. Now do you think you can do it with all of the noble ladies scowling at you?”
Ninallia pursed her lips. “Yes, Sayeri. For my son, I can do it.”
Tegani said, “I hate to interrupt the lesson, but the food smells delicious and is getting cold.”
They were sitting to eat when a small boy ran into the room. He ran up to Sayeri and climbed into her lap. He turned and looked at the guests. “Hello.”
“This is Peterno, my grandson. He needs to work on his manners too.”
He gave her a hurt look and bowed his head.
Tegani cocked her head, studying the boy. After a few minutes, she looked at Sayeri in amazement.
“He looks like his grandfather, doesn’t he?” Sayeri said dryly around an amused smile.
Houston looked at the two women who seemed to be discussing a secret. When neither said anything else, everyone began eating.
Peterno’s governess hesitantly came to the door. Her face was flushed with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Lady Sayeri. We were napping.”
Sayeri hugged her grandson and sat him down. “Go on now and be a good boy. You must stop running off.”
The governess scooped the boy up into her arms where he laughed and squirmed.
“She spoils him too much,” said Sayeri. “The entire staff does. His mother ran off when he was still in diapers and now he rules my whole estate.”
The love and affection in her voice was clear.
“This is the best meat I have ever eaten,” said Ninallia. “What is it?”
“We have several herds of League imported beef cattle. I sell most of the meat, but I always keep plenty for my household. This is a sirloin roast.”
“Yes, it is,” said Houston with apparent pleasure. He finished two large slices and was using some of the fresh bread to sop up the juices from her plate.
“One of my neighbors has imported pigs and chickens. They’re good, but more like some of our native animals in flavor.”
When he and the others were served after dinner drinks, Ninallia had a bowl of ice-cream made with fresh berries and rich cream. She licked her spoon and eyed the empty bowl but did not ask for seconds. Houston hid a grin.
She looked at Sayeri. “May I be excused? I want to practice my sending.”
“Of course,” said Sayeri.
“If I find a true gift, I will train her to use it,” said Tigani.
Sayeri added, “It can be no accident My Lady sent one of her most experienced Sisters to find this girl. How and why did she send the tools needed to prove a gift ahead of her? This is bordering, if not jumping the border, on interference in the affairs of a sovereign kingdom. What was the old woman doing?”
Houston agreed. “The League’s concern and involvement lent credence to the rumors concerning Hanoree.”
My Lady paced around her quarters. She did not know if Tegani and the girl had reached Sayeri, but she was sure Hanoree was monitoring her communications. She didn’t dare send a message via the Sisters, because Tegani’s location would be known and could fall into the wrong hands. Not even Arturon, her First Brother, knew their location or how vital it was they succeed. She knew—she had seen it. Years of studying and practicing her gift proved valuable. She could see the future of the Empire and the whole planet if Hanoree became the next emperor. The disaster she foresaw superseded her vow of neutrality.
She sensed Arturon standing in her door, waiting for her to acknowledge his presence. She turned and motioned him into her room. “Come, Brother, do you have anything to report?”
“Good news, My Lady. We rescued four of the women who lived at Madama Ector’s with the girl. Two have birthed their children. They have been taken out of the Empire.” He smiled. “The girl’s mother and aunt are safe too. They are in a clinic in a remote area outside the Empire.”
Their safety was good news indeed. The girl would be grateful to the Order for protecting them. It was also the right thing to do. My Lady smiled and offered Arturon tea.
“Thank you, My Lady. There is more. Sister Tegani and the girl are traveling with a man, a soldier wearing a merchant’s garb. Our friend, Captain Joanani, says he is a League colonel.”
My Lady had seen the dark warrior with Tegani in the vision. Was he a friend or foe? The vision was not clear. Was the League a friend or no? They were even more uncertain. “We must assume communications to and from the Temple City are monitored and can be sure Hanoree is listening. He has the technology, and his men are in place below the mountains. Use the Sister’s link when necessary, but do not pass on anything concerning Tegani and the girl on our network. It would endanger the Sisters and Brothers outside the Temple City.”
“Yes, My Lady, I have ordered discretion,” said Arturon. “My Lady, why don’t you sleep? I will stay with you and wake you for any news.”
My Lady reached over and squeezed his hand. “Thank you, dear Brother, you are right. My mind is too old to function long without rest. Tegani and the girl are safe for now.”
He poured tea. My Lady changed her robes and stretched on her
bed in the next room. He did not turn on the communication or entertainment system. She gave a whispered prayer thanking the Spirits Sayeri had proven a true Sister after all. My Lady wished she knew the out of her plans. Tegani and the girl were in sanctuary with Sayeri, and it was unlikely Hanoree could reach them there, if he even thought to look. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The familiar call of her link woke her. A Sister was sending a message. “My Lady of Wisdom. My Lady of Wisdom. Hear us.”
My Lady lay motionless, listening as Arturon responded. “My Lady rests. This is First Brother Arturon. Speak.”
“Hanoree’s men are everywhere. Three Brothers have been taken on their way back to the Temple City. Two Sisters are missing and feared dead.”
“Dear Spirits. Yes, we have your message. Find safety if you can.” Arturon bowed his head and wept. He rubbed his face on his sleeve like a crying child.
My Lady stood beside him, taking his arm. Winter was their protection. In the spring, Hanoree might advance against them despite the League warnings. “You are the strongest sender in the city. I need you to pass on my message. I don’t care if it is overheard. In fact, I want you to send it on the communication network too. I want Hanoree to hear.”
Arturon closed his eyes and swallowed.
“Brothers and Sisters of the Order, we are under attack. I want you to be safe. The Empire is under the mistaken belief we are its enemies. It has chosen to become our enemy—Hanoree has chosen. He, not the Empire, is behind this. Guard yourselves. Don’t be afraid to use your gifts to protect what is right. Spirits be with you. Be careful of your messages and hold true to the Order.”
Within minutes every Brother and Sister on Bengar would receive the message. Hanoree would hear it. The League would hear. The Temple had been provoked, its people killed. War with the Empire was imminent.
~ * ~
Hanoree had not expected the Order’s response to be this direct. It was short of a declaration of war, but it pointed a finger at him. Perhaps he could force their hand by going public with his allegations that the Order was involved in the assassination of the late emperor and empress.
His attempt to get one of the Brothers to confess had failed. The Brother was stronger willed than anticipated and died without cooperating.
Varick produced a video depicting a Brother confessing to hiring a woman to claim she was pregnant with the emperor’s child. The tattoos looked original, but the Order could, if given the chance, prove the man depicted as a Brother was an imposter. After debating the risks of going public with the farce, Hanoree chose to go ahead.
He broadcast his story and made sure it would be carried planet wide. The motivations of My Lady of Wisdom sounded dire and vague. He painted her as a power-hungry woman who wanted control of the whole planet for her religious Order. The implications of his message were that the Order’s Writ of Neutrality was a farce.
~ * ~
Across many miles the Southern Kingdom was enjoying warmth and full harvests. Tegani heard the message and shook her head in disbelief. She hurried to find the others. Houston was talking with some of Sayeri’s men. He stopped and joined her, concern shining on his face.
“Where’s Ninallia?” she asked.
“In the garden. She wanted to catalog the flowers.”
Tegani walked to the garden. She didn’t know what to say to the girl. She was carrying the future emperor but was little more than a child herself.
At last Tegani saw her sitting on a bench beside a large tree, and she was crying. She received the message. How at such an early stage of training the girl could receive a message not directed to her Tegani didn’t know, but it was plain she had. She sat beside the girl and put an arm across her shoulder.
“I don’t want to be the cause of war.” Ninallia leaned against Tegani.
“You didn’t cause it, Ninallia. You got caught up in Hanoree’s web. We hope we can use you to end it and put the rightful emperor on the throne.”
“I can’t believe my baby is also the son of the emperor.”
“I believe he is. We’ll know for sure after he is born.” Tegani handed the girl a handkerchief.
“I’m such a ninny.”
“You’re a Dowager Empress because your son is the true Emperor of Kaydor.”
This pronouncement sent Ninallia into a fit of giggles. “I’m sorry, the title Dowager Empress makes me think of an old and wrinkled woman sitting behind the emperor and bullying everyone at court.
Tegani smiled. She was glad to have lightened the girl’s spirits. There might not be war. The other kingdoms would react to the news and force Hanoree to back down. She prayed to the Spirits they would.
Gloom settled over them as they watched the evening broadcast. Tegani’s hands clenched. She grew very still and quiet, then spoke, “I’ll tell you one thing, that was no Brother on the screen. The tattoo was close, but the lettering was wrong, and he did not speak in the right tone. Serving in the Empire is a privileged assignment, and I know most of the Brothers assigned to the Empire. They check in with My Lady twice a year, more often if there is a problem. That was an imposter.”
Houston shook his head.
Ninallia studied the screen, trying to memorize the faces flitting across. She recognized Hanoree of course. She hated him. Reporters were interviewing Nobles about the pronouncement and whether there was in fact a royal heir. She wrote down names as fast as she could.
“Stop,” she called. “Can you back up to the last question?”
Sayeri used the remote to freeze and rewind the program in progress. She stopped at the frame of a harassed-looking Noble lady asking a question then said, “That is Lady Patella. She inherited her seat on the Council from her late husband.”
“No, who is the man standing behind her in line? The one wearing a tall hat and woven necklaces.”
“Lord Nebron is a Noble from the Eastern Provence. He is a good man. His grandfather, a wealthy banker, married the daughter of a Noble and bought her family’s title.”
“I’ve seen him before. I’m sure he is the one who signed the papers for Madama Ector. He saw me. He spoke to me. He can prove we’re telling the truth.”
“Why would Nebron be at Madama Ector’s? He isn’t a royal,” Tegani asked.
“I think I understand. His wife is a cousin to the late empress. They were practically raised as sisters. Both women were barren. Nebron and his wife used a dumas. Perhaps they were helping the empress,” Sayeri explained.
“So, he would be on our side?”
“I’m not saying he would be an ally, but Lady Nebron and the empress were close, as girls. What her husband’s politics are I cannot say.” Sayeri seemed thoughtful. “It is significant that the empress trusted Lord Nebron to act in her stead with Madama Ector.”
“Damn straight it is significant. It means he knew Ninallia was pregnant when no one else did. Who’s to say he didn’t betray them to Hanoree? They were murdered soon after Ninallia became pregnant.” Houston paced back and forth.
“Let’s get organized. We have a list of Nobles and dignitaries. Some were allies of the late emperor and some are supporters of Hanoree.” Tegani began to copy the list of names.
“For now, we will put Nebron on the side of the late emperor.” Sayeri eyed the growing list. They played the whole broadcast again, and she stopped it on an image of Hanoree sitting at his desk and a man leaning over handing him documents to sign. “I remember Lord Varick. He has been slithering around the court for years. It seems he has risen in status. Look at the pendant he is wearing. He is Hanoree’s right-hand man.”
“Wasn’t he suspected to be dealing in drugs?” Tegani asked “I remember there was an investigation.”
Sayeri snorted. “Oh, there was talk of an investigation. It ended because too many of the younger set at court like their recreational drugs. He has too much on them, and blackmail is one of Varick’s specialties.”
“He definitely goes in Hanoree’s column.” Ninallia tapped her lips. “Who are the other people on the video? Some of the ones who aren’t speaking could be players.”
“I wish we could get this information to My Lady. She has resources we don’t have here,” Tegani said.
“Hanoree’s men have the Temple City surrounded. I’m sure they’re monitoring all communications,” Houston said.
“If we send through the Sisters and Brothers link, Hanoree will know where we are and put them, as well as us, in danger.” Tegani rubbed her hands together.
“We could use the old-fashioned method of communication. We could send a letter,” Sayeri said her face brightening.
“In the middle of winter?” Tegani tilted her head, her eyebrow raised.
“That’s the best time. The Temple City is iced in, and the roads are impassable. Nothing goes in or out of the City except the winter supply drops.” Sayeri voice’s lowered as she said, “I think I can get a case of wine for My Lady added to the next drop. It’s an ordinary gift. When she opens the crate, there will be our letter.”
“What if she doesn’t open the crate?” Houston asked.
“I can mark it with her symbol. Whoever takes it off the drop will deliver it directly to My Lady.”
Tegani, Houston, and Ninallia worked on the message, and Sayeri called in a few favors to have a crate of her best wine picked up the next morning.
~ * ~
Ninallia stopped reading and put the viewer down. She put her hand to her stomach. It wasn’t morning sickness, but she felt a small fluttering. Was she going to be sick? Realizing this was her baby’s movements sent shivers of excitement through her. My son is growing inside me.
Tegani walked in the room. Ninallia was bent forward with her arms around her middle. “Are you okay?”
“The baby’s moving. I can feel him.”
Her delight fed the others and soon she, Tegani, and Sayeri were laughing and talking babies. The two older women agreed they had been negligent in their preparations